Good Morning Everyone! Just returned from Fry's Grocery Store (Kroger) and took advantage of their Mega Sale (buy 10 particpating items and get 5.00 off your order - can be done multiple times). According to my receipts I got $183.97 worth of groceries (pre-sale prices) for 9.24!!!! I have broken it all down below.
You'll notice that I have quite a few bags of the Quaker Rick Quakes...I bought these because with the coupons I had they caused "overage"....basically, the store paid me .50 a bag to take them! We don't care for them so they will be donated to the local food bank (and some to a friend that likes them!).
***NOTE: If you are going to do the Mega Sale, make sure you that have 10 items from the particpating items (not 11, not 9....it will mess you up!). They don't have to be 10 of the same item. You can do this multiple times (20 items, 30 items). However, if you try to buy 11 of the items, the 11th item will be regular price...(if you have questions feel free to make a post here and I'll try to answer it!)***
Here is a breakdown of what I bought and the coupons I used:
31 Bags of Quaker Rice Quakes
6 Bottles Sobe Life Water
1 Oscar Mayer Deli Creations
1 Krusteaz Peanut Butter Cookie Mix
11 Boxes of Electrasol Dish Detergent Gel Pacs
4 Twelve Packs of Coca Cola
6 Old El Paso Taco Seasonings
Ground Meat
I had 31 Coupons for the Quaker Rice Quakes that took .99 off each. The Mega Sale price was .49 so I made .50 on each one!
I had 3 coupons for Buy One Get One Free Sobe Life Water. The Mega Sale Price was .49 but the cash register automatically took off .99 making all 6 bottles FREE
I had 2 coupons for Buy Two Old El Paso Items, Get One Free and because I had 6 in my cart (2 were free with the coupons), the register spit out a coupon for 3.00 off a purchase of Beef which the cashier used on this order making the beef (4.27 before coupon) come down to 1.27.
I had 4 coupons for 1.00 off any Coca Cola Product. These were on sale 4 for 10.00 so with my coupons I got them 4 for 6.00 or 1.50 each!
I had 1 coupon for 1.00 off any Oscar Mayer Deli Creations. The Mega Sale Price was 1.99 so I got it for .99
I had 1 coupon for 1.00 off Krusteaz Cookie Mix. The Mega Sale Price was 1.49 so I got it for .49 (mmmmmm.....cookies!)
There were various discounts taken off for my loyalty card (VIP Card).
Here is what the bottom of my receipt looked like:
TOTAL CASH OUT OF POCKET: 9.24Manufacturer Coupon Savings: 64.77
Bonus Coupon Savings: 3.09
VIP Card Savings: 106.87