Good Morning!!!
Just wanted to share my huge run to Fry's this morning....I was there at 5:15am!!! I combined the Crayola Crayon Deal and the Mega Deal (you can read about them on the main page of this blog). I got 135.72 of stuff for 4.74!!!!!!
I did 3 transactions and I started out with a 2.00 off your next order from the Olay Deal (buy 2 Olay Total Effects Body Wash and get 2.00 off your next order) and a 4.00 off your order from the Crayon Deal (buy 10 crayola crayon 24ct boxes and get 4.00 off your next order).
Here is the rundown:
Transaction #1
10 Boxes of Crayola Crayons - regular price 2.19 (21.90) - sale price .25 x 10 = 2.50
2 Ivory Body Wash: 2.39 x 2 = 4.78
Simply Hashbrowns: regular price 2.99 - sale price 1.49
2 Vitamin Water - regular price 1.59 (3.18) - sale price .99 x 2 = 1.98
2 Kraft Miracle Whip - regular price 2.27 (4.54) - sale price 1.99 x 2 = 3.98
3 Aqua Fresh Toothpaste - regular price 2.19 (6.57) - sale price 1.50 x 3 = 4.50
2 Franco American Spaghettio's - .99 x 2 = 1.98
2 Olay Total Effects Body Wash - Regular Price 5.99 (11.98) - sale price 5.77 x 2 = 11.54
SUBTOTAL - Regular Price 57.92 - Sale Price = 32.75
Mega Sale Discount: -5.00
Coupon for Free Ivory Body Wash when you Buy Olay Body Wash (found in the 6/6 P&G coupon insert): -2.39
Coupon for Free Ivory Body Wash when you Buy Olay Body Wash (found in the 6/6 P&G coupon insert): - 2.39
Coupon for Olay Body Wash (found in the 6/6 P&G coupon insert): -4.00
Coupon for Olay Body Wash (found in the 6/6 P&G coupon insert): -4.00
Coupon for 1.00 off 2 Spaghettios from www.campbellskitchen.com : -1.00
Electronic Coupon loaded on my frys card from www.frysfood.com for Ivory Body Wash: -.50
Coupon for Simply Hashbrowns (found in the Dairy Coupon Book at Safeway): -.55 doubled to -1.00 (fry's doubles coupons up to 1.00)
Coupons for 1.00 off 2 Vitamin Water found in August All You Magazine: -1.00
Coupon for Kraft Miracle Whip from "liking" Miracle Whip on Facebook: -1.00
Coupon for Kraft Miracle Whip from "liking" Miracle Whip on Facebook: -1.00
Coupon for Aqua Fresh Toothpaste from www.aquafresh.com/savings.aspx : -1.00
Coupon for Aqua Fresh Toothpaste from www.aquafresh.com/savings.aspx : -1.00
Coupon for Aqua Fresh Toothpaste from www.aquafresh.com/savings.aspx : -1.00
Gave cashier my 2.00 off your next order coupon and my 4.00 off your next order coupon
Subtotal: .47
Tax: 1.89
GRAND TOTAL: 2.36***Plus I got back a 4.00 off next order from buying the crayons and 2.00 off next order from buying the Olay
Transaction #2
10 Boxes of Crayola Crayons - regular price 2.19 (21.90) - sale price .25 x 10 = 2.50
1 Simply Hashbrowns: regular price 2.99 - sale price 1.49
3 Kraft Miracle Whip - regular price 2.27 (6.81) - sale price 1.99 x 3 = 5.97
6 Franco American Spaghettio's - .99 x 6 = 5.94
1 Head of Lettuce: 1.00
1 Bag M&M's: .50
SUBTOTAL: Regular Price: 39.14 -- Sale Price: 17.40
Mega Sale Discount: -5.00
Coupon for Free Head of Lettuce received in the mail: -1.00
Coupon for Simply Hashbrowns (found in the Dairy Coupon Book at Safeway): -.55 doubled to -1.00
Coupon for Kraft Miracle Whip from "liking" Miracle Whip on Facebook: -1.00
Coupon for Kraft Miracle Whip from "liking" Miracle Whip on Facebook: -1.00
Coupon for Kraft Miracle Whip from "liking" Miracle Whip on Facebook: -1.00
Coupon for 1.00 off 2 Spaghettios from www.campbellskitchen.com : -1.00
Coupon for 1.00 off 2 Spaghettios from www.campbellskitchen.com : -1.00
Coupon for 1.00 off 2 Spaghettios from www.campbellskitchen.com : -1.00
Tax: .19
Paid with 4.00 off your order coupon
GRAND TOTAL: .59***Plus I got back another 4.00 off your next order coupon from the Crayons
Transaction #3
10 Boxes of Crayola Crayons - regular price 2.19 (21.90) - sale price .25 x 10 = 2.50
2 Ivory Body Wash: 2.39 x 2 = 4.78
2 Olay Total Effects Body Wash - Regular Price 5.99 (11.98) - sale price 5.77 x 2 = 11.54
SUBTOTAL: Regular Price: 38.66 -- Sale Price: 18.82
Coupon for Free Ivory Body Wash when you Buy Olay Body Wash (found in the 6/6 P&G coupon insert): -2.39
Coupon for Free Ivory Body Wash when you Buy Olay Body Wash (found in the 6/6 P&G coupon insert): - 2.39
Coupon for Olay Body Wash (found in the 6/6 P&G coupon insert): -4.00
Coupon for Olay Body Wash (found in the 6/6 P&G coupon insert): -4.00
New Subtotal: 6.04
Tax: 1.75
Paid with 4.00 off your order from Crayons and 2.00 off your order from Olay in Transaction #1
GRAND TOTAL: 1.79***Plus I got back 4.00 off your next order from Crayons and 2.00 off your next order from Olay
*****On top of all this there is a rebate from Olay for 10.00 back when you spend 30.00 -
CLICK HERE TO SEE THE REBATE FORM - I bought 2 olay on Thursday and 4 more today and I have enough now to send in for the rebate!
GRAND TOTAL FOR ALL 3 TRANSACTIONS: 4.74 -- I still have a 4.00 off your next order, a 2.00 off your next order, and I will get a 10.00 rebate!!! The original non sale price total would have been 135.72!!!!!