Important note to avoid getting a ton of SPAM in your email box!

None of us want a bunch of SPAM/junk emails in our email boxes. I suggest that if you are going to sign up for free samples and/or do trials that you get an email address specifically for that purpose (personally, I have had over 50 different email addresses for this purpose!). It's very simple to get a free email. Just go to and sign up for one. Once you have your free email address you can use that email for any freebies you sign up for!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Hi Everyone!

Thanks to Cents'Able Shoppin! website for posting this one!

Let's start the day with a small but cool freebie! It's a luggage lock and it's called WORDLOCK (apparently you will set the combination as a word instead of numbers -- cool idea)!

All you need to do get a free Wordlock is to "like" them on facebook...simple! Just CLICK HERE to go to their page, sign in to your facebook account, and then "like" them. Once you click on "like" you should be able to fill out the form!


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